CO-3D: 3D Combined Field Ray-tracing and Optical Properties
This package CO-3D contains all the programs of the EO-3D and MO-3D packages, plus programs for computing charged particle trajectories and optical properties in the combined 3D electric and magnetic fields computed by them. EO-3D computes the properties of electrostatic electron optical systems, using a fully 3D potential computation and direct electron ray-tracing around 3D electrode structures. MO-3D computes the properties of magnetic electron optical systems, using a fully three-dimensional (3D) computation of the magnetic scalar potentials and direct electron ray-tracing around 3D pole-piece structures. The finite difference method (FDM) is used to compute the electrostatic potential and magnetic scalar potential distribution, wherein the potentials are obtained at points on a 3D rectangular grid. The computed optical properties take into account any 3D electric and magnetic deflection and quadrupole perturbation fields. CO-3D also contains facilities for plotting the rays, equipotential lines, electrodes, and pole-piece structures in 2D sections of the system, and also a program for plotting the spot shape in the image plane. The data format and running of the programs is similar to the EO-3D and MO-3D programs.

If you are interested in the CO-3D package, please contact us at