The following MEBS software packages are available:
OPTICS computes optical properties of electron and ion beam columns
REFINE optimizes interactively electron and ion beam columns
DYNAMIC computes effects of dynamic correction elements in electron and ion beam columns
TOLERANCE computes aberrations due to machining errors in lenses and deflectors
SOURCE simulates and aids the design of electron and ion sources
MECH aids the design and mechanical tolerancing of electron lenses
CO-3D computes optical properties and ray traces in combined electrostatic and magnetic 3D fields
SOFEM calculates fields and raytraces in lenses and deflectors using the second-order finite element method
ABER-5 computes fifth-order aberrations of electron lenses
MULTIPOLE aids the simulation and design of multipole lens systems
WIEN simulates Wien filters
IMAGE computes the combined effects of aberrations and Coulomb interactions
PROJECTION aids the design and optimization of projection systems
WAVE computes the combined effects of electron diffraction and lens aberrations
If you are interested in any of these packages, please contact us at