DYNAMIC: Simulation of Dynamic Correction Elements
This software package is a supplement to the OPTICS software, and is used for computing the effects of dynamic correction elements in electron and ion beam columns. The correction elements include dynamic stigmators and dynamic focus lenses. The program provides facilities for computing the fields in electrostatic and magnetic stigmators, and the optical properties of the electron or ion beam column when the stigmators and dynamic focus lenses are switched on. The program also predicts the strengths of the stigmators and dynamic focus lenses required for complete cancellation of astigmatism and field curvature, and predicts how this affects the remaining aberrations. The spot shape can be plotted before and after applying the dynamic corrections.
The software package includes two programs for computing the quadrupole field in electrostatic stigmators. The first program uses the charge density method (CDM), and handles any set of stigmator electrodes consisting of cylindrical or conical segments. The second program uses the first-order finite element method (FEM), and computes the quadrupole field, assuming a linear variation of potential in the azimuthal direction, in the azimuthal gaps between the stigmator electrodes. The package also includes two programs for computing fields in magnetic stigmators. The first program analyzes magnetic stigmators in free space regions, using the Biot-Savart law. The second program computes the magnetic stigmator fields in the vicinity of rotationally symmetric magnetic materials, using the first-order FEM. Fields in electrostatic or magnetic dynamic focus lenses are computed with the lens field programs from the OPTICS package. The additional aberrations introduced by the dynamic correction elements are computed with a specially derived set of aberration integrals. From the results of this analysis, the required strengths of the dynamic correction voltages and currents, for exactly compensating primary field curvature and astigmatism, are predicted.
The software is a comprehensive package and has recently been enhanced to incorporate a graphical user interface (GUI) that operates under the latest Microsoft Windows Operating systems.
If you are interested in the DYNAMIC package, please contact us at info@electronoptica.com.