MULTIPOLE: Simulation and Design of Multipole Lens Systems

MULTIPOLE computes the optical properties and aberrations of charged particle optical systems comprised of electrostatic and magnetic lenses and deflectors.  The lenses can be round lenses, quadrupoles, hexapoles and octopoles.  MULTIPOLE has a graphics user interface (GUI), which affords a better understanding and control of the system and its parameters during the design and optimization procedures.  The program uses as input a set of imaging conditions specified by the user, together with the field functions of the round and multipole lenses.  These fields are computed with SOFEM and CO-3D software packages.

The first-order optical properties are computed by numerical solution of the paraxial ray equation, and the computed paraxial rays are displayed on the screen. The primary aberrations are computed
by evaluating appropriate aberration integrals involving the paraxial rays.  The computed geometric aberrations are second and third-order aberrations, if hexapole lenses are present, and third-order aberrations, otherwise.  The program can handle both Gaussian round-beam and shaped-beam systems.  The output is the computed optical properties, including a table of the first-order optical properties and a table of the aberration coefficients.  MULTIPOLE also has an integrated aberration spot generator to visually show the aberration effects using the computed aberration coefficients and given initial image conditions, such as beam half angle, beam size, deflection parameter at either object or image plane.

If you are interested in the MULTIPOLE package, please contact us at


The aberration spot diagram for a multipole column to cancel Cs.